• Today’s tune is helping me focus and groove all at once.

    You Got me - A Place to Bury Strangers

    #nowplaying #music

  • Out of My Head - Skeggs

    Another ace tune from the dreamy southern continent, home to the future of breakdancing. read more

  • HeyNote or how i learned to love Joplin too

    Listening to the wonderful Linux Matters I found out about a fun little app HeyNote which is a crazy useful scratchpad for writing script snippets or just notes. However it made me remember that you can do this in Joplin as well. By simply doing three backticks and the language of the … read more

  • This is way more enjoyable than it has a right to be. The amount of work is astonishing Behance

  • One of those absolutely wonderful songs that lost something with production. The demo is easily my favorite

  • it’s impossible to hum while holding your nose. go ahead and try it…no one is looking.

  • 6:12 am

    the light sits golden on the green edges of the trees pasted onto a pale blue sky laying quiet next to you hearing the blackbirds roaming as they call and cry the town is rousing to the morning evidenced with the sounds listening like a lawyer i count the number rising of cars going by Your soft … read more

  • Really old notebook drawing. Being featured in a small zine I am working on

  • The Lost Days = Tony Molina and Sarah Rose Janko teaming up for a lovely album of pop lament gems.

  • A lovely little song.

  • Really enjoying the new Guidon Bear album

  • New post from micro.blog app. I am testing the waters and enjoying the simplicity.