• This is a fascinating article. www.404media.co/right-to-…

  • Some nice times out with the best best good boy.

  • In honor of Labour Day. This feels about right.

  • My water sensor finally arriveded and quickly switcheded out with only 8 screws and a bit of cursing. Fix your stuff! (Also machines are always dirtier on the inside than you expect them to be.)

  • Criminally underappreciated… “i’ve got mine is so affecting….i’ve got mine is so infecting”

  • Achingly beautiful tale of what far too many humans have to endure.

  • 8 years gone and still amazed by how good this album is. There is no other band that runs as meaningfully and strong throughout my life.

  • The thing about science is….it’s freaking cool as hell!! BBC wildlife

    These dinosaur footprints disappear on one side of the Atlantic Ocean and reappear on the other – and they match exactly

  • My daughter caught this fabulous beast in his natural habitat and immediately thought of me. How nice. I once rocked a not colored version of this hair do.

  • oneminutepark.tv (found via kottke.org and tinyawards.net) is the breath of fresh air i didn’t know i needed for micro breaks during my day.

  • Trackballs are the best. Not sure why these never caught on everywhere. I roll the Elecom HUGE and it is just that. (pic for reference) RSI gremlins get stuffed!!!

  • 25 years ago….still grim and beautiful all at once

  • The coffee shop I was at earlier had some stuff going on and I’m here for it.

  • August in the PNW means dirty boots, coffee, and a warm fire.

  • Colossal has an great write up on the amazing Beth Cavener. Just sublime work.

  • This is one of those things that is so simple and obvious that the revelation of its coined term is almost painful in its beauty.


  • Like so many times, he gets it just right.

    Freedom For All - L.E. Modesitt, jr

    The guiding principle of the Founding Fathers was to maximize freedom within a framework of ordered secular laws and to keep religion out of the Constitution except to allow people to believe as they wished within that framework of secular laws.

  • romantic proclamations of affirmation

    these are things i say to you or try to on a regular basis i hear they are important and i was raised to pay attention to everything as if it were important lest i get a smack about the head frustration is easy to come by like pennies on a dresser ever present and unsurprising less common is cool … read more

  • Like an animal:

    My trusty Gaggia Brera has decided to be temperamental. This involved a lot of me trying to be patient as I took it apart and diagnosed a faulty water sensor. The replacement part is only $27 thankfully, but takes 3 weeks to arrive.​ As a result I am back to the trusty 20 year old burr grinder and … read more

  • Ten years ago I made a thing…it still amuses me. What a way to make a living.